


Just start.

No perfect moment

No stylized header

No cultivated following

Or even clear path

Just words on paper

Or rather, pixels on a screen

Fingers hitting keys hitting electrical signals that fire

And create words

And stories

And thoughts

And movement

Movement toward something

Like a blog?

Like a journal?

Like practice

Practice for my fingertips, for my mind

For the words it has pent up and needs to let out

Practice for my eyes

For what they see and attempt to capture in photographs

And succeed only sometimes

Practice for my feet, my body

For it dares to roam and craves the unknown

Practice for my earth

For it has but one life and who I am to shorten it?

So just start.

No perfect moment.

No right time.


Go ahead



Poem inspired by REI’s podcast Wild Ideas Worth Living, episode “2019 Recap”

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